
Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Hotel Day

We spent today at the hotel basically playing with the baby.  This morning the doctor came to give all the babies their physicals and this afternoon Leah napped and played.  It's amazing how one pint-size human can completely wrap two grown adults around her little finger.  I know that somewhere in this room is a hidden camera and our follies as first time parents is being broadcast on some reality TV show somewhere.  As you will read in Dave's post, I have never met a baby like this one who hates to take a bath, change clothes or have her diaper changed.  If you were standing outside our door you would swear we were trying out some sort of new chinese torture device.  Of course online, we are only going to post the happy pictures.  Leah definitely has a smile that lights up this hotel room.
Leah has a real thing for hair including her own.  When she gets fussy, Dave leans over and she just laughs. Even if he's bald when we get home, it will all be worth it!

According to the doctor, Leah is a healthy happy baby.

I posted this picture because it's amazing to me that after pitching a fit over two blowouts in ten minutes along with two diaper and clothing changes, the girl is just sitting there happy as can be.  Obviously she was feeling much better and Dave and I were exhausted!

She loves it when Dave pretends to be "Neckzilla".  Maybe tomorrow I'll post a photo of what is happening on the other side of the camera.

The view of Nanchang from our hotel room on the 30th floor. We spent a lot of time today looking out this window.

6 comments: said...

Looks like leah is breaking you both in with style, but Im sure you will both do well. Hope to see you soon on usa soil, love to all Three of you!!!!

Shannon said...

Cary- My first two - especially the first one- hated bath time.Oh my goodness you would have thought we were torturing them. Cici however is my one kid who loves her bath time. But I have to chase her down and wriggle her to the ground to change her. The other two were much easier to change - less wriggly. Cici just flips around like a fish on a dock while I change her which makes it SUCH a challenge when the diaper is REALLY dirty. Each kid is so different. Your family is gorgeous. I'm so happy for you!

Andrea said...

Cary, I had to give Trent a bath in his "infant" tub until just recently becuase the large tub scared him. Could be she isn't used to a large tub. Now the diaper part... can't help you there, Trent didn't move too well so I didn't have a problem there! :-) You are doing great momma!!!!

myra said...

I love it! The picture of you and Leah both with big smiles--priceless!

Anonymous said...

How precious is she?? Her smile just melts my heart, and getting your daily blog is the highlight of my day.
Better you than me on the 30th floor!!
Lots of love. Sue A.

Polar Bear said...

Can you hear all the car honking on the 30th floor? If you can't that would be one good reason to be that high!

Love, Love, LOVE the smiles!! There is nothing better than baby giggles. We never were able to catch a smile on camera when we were in China. When we were in the room Z would be all smiles, until the second we pulled out the camera. :o)

I agree with Sue, we LOVE the daily posts!!