
Saturday, October 22, 2011

Our last day in China

As our girl takes her mid-morning nap Dave and I are trying to decide what to do with our last afternoon in China.  Yesterday our group flew from Guangzhou back to Hong Kong to start the final trek home.  In order to fly free using Dave's frequent flier miles we stayed over an extra day.  It was either pay $50 for a hotel room or pay a couple thousand to fly home on Sunday.  Hmmm... as much as I would love to be on my way home right now, we decided to save the money and stay the extra day.  By the way, our prayers were answered and Leah did awesome on the flight yesterday.  She travelled like a real pro.  We gave her a bottle at take off and she slept until the plane touched down in Hong Kong. We couldn't ask for a better trip.  We are praying for the same experience again tomorrow on the big flight home.

This evening Dave and I will make our final blog posts for the trip and add a few pictures of the Hong Kong locations we decide to visit today. 

1 comment:

myra said...

So thankful this flight was good! Thank you for posting as I love reading them. Praying for your safe travel home. Enjoy Honk Kong!