
Monday, June 9, 2014

Medical Exam Day

Today was the dreaded medical exam and the kids made it through with minor tears.  Leah and I stayed out of Cary's way, but took a few pictures to pass the time.  Poor Ben can be in a raging fit after being stabbed in the arm for a blood sample, but a simple roll lights up his mood.  Young Ben weighted in at 20.2 pounds and measured 28 inches, so we've got major eating to do when we get home.  Ben has all the signs of malnutrition bloated belly and will need a high protein diet for the next 4-6 months to reverse the symptoms he’s now showing.  Hard to understand how young babes can reverse their bloated belly with more food and middle aged guys like me can’t even starve our gut off.  Even harder to understand how these children get into this condition in the first place.

The families we’re with are very special people and fun to be around, some are adopting their second special needs child this trip and are an inspiration for us all.  We have another five days before flying home and we’re ready now, we’re trying to pace our exit with clean underwear and hope to meet Saturday’s departure fresh.  Keep us and the other families in your prayers and thoughts.
Leah entertaining the boys
Adoptive parent waiting room.
All smiles before the exam!

Dr. Leah at work.

All done!

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