
Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Waiting on Walmart.

Cary and I just put Leah down for a nap and are both surfing the net instead of taking one ourselves.  Leah is truely a blessing and keeps us laughing through all our learning firsts.  The diaper, bathing, and changing should be a one man job, but Cary and I both believe in the team concept for now.  Who would have ever thought a baby would rather wear a dirty diaper than a fresh new one, but our's seems to fit that catagory.  The rooms are nice and extreamly modern, plush beyond anything most of have ever stayed in before.  Any bathroom with a sliding shower door that also serves as a privacy door for the toilet is high class, totally above my raising.  Whoever negotiated the entire 30th floor for 13 babies is surely not on the management track program though, I hope he's a member of the party.  They say the hotel is one month old, but we've really broken our's in.  No new smelling rooms on this floor.

I hate shopping, but I'm so looking forward to our trip to Walmart tomorrow.  We thought we were going yesterday and they pulled the rug out from under us late in the day.  I always enjoy seeing local color wherever Cary and I go and I'm sure Walmart won't disapoint us. 

Everyone is doing great and God has blessed all the families as I see it.  Leah doesn't appear to be the screamer nor do I really believe there's actually one in the travel group.  Leah does have her moments and Cary points this out as another sign she not only looks like me, but has my temperment as well.  I call her 0-60 because she can turn it on in a breath and be eating honey the next.  If this holds true I pitty the man who has to please her later in life, thankfully she has me and that's all she needs.  


Andrea said...

You are so blessed to have such a beautiful little girl in your life! I can tell daddy is getting his workout and you are enjoying EVERY minute!!! So happy for you guys!!!!!

myra said...

You are doing such a great job taking care of your girls!